

I finally finished my Introduction to Herbology course!! I started it at the beginning of the summer, took a long break to focus on working at the farmer's market, and just now sent in my final exam and project. Yay! I am studying Natural Health at Clayton College of Natural Health. I started 2 years ago, and I have been moving pretty slowly through each class. With the new change in my life from full-time employee to stay at home mom, I plan to give more focus to my studies than I have in the past.

I learned quite a bit from this class about herbs and ways to use them. There is so much to remember and learn about each individual herb, I am glad I have these two wonderful books to reference in time of need. The books for the course are The Way of the Herbs and New Age Herbalist.

I just ordered my books and study guide for my next class, Introduction to Homeopathy. I have a vague idea of what homeopathy is, so this class should be pretty interesting.

Not sure what I will do with this degree when I finish, but I will at least learn how to keep my family naturally healthy. Hopefully I will gain enough knowledge to teach others.

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