
Time is flying

So, I've been busting my behind to get stuff ready for the upcoming craft show, and just remembered I will also be vending at a local baby fair. So, hopefully I will be ready for this baby fair. (Actually, it would be lovely if I weren't ready for it because that would mean I sold out of my stuff at the craft show! Good problems to have.)

Anyway, this is my first effort to get the info out about the baby fair. It will be awesome! If you don't believe me, check out the events and vendors in the day's agenda.

If you are a parent, you should go!

From my new phone!



I have decided to order tags for the stuff I'm sewing for the craft show. I received the proof to approve today, and I am in love with the results. The tags will be cream color satin with brown ink. Check these out!



Ever since my sister-in-law so graciously let me borrow her sewing machine, I have been using it daily. You could say I have become slightly addicted to sewing. It's a safe and rewarding addiction to have, though. Here are a few of the things I have been working on. There are quite a few imperfections in these projects, but overall, I am totally excited about these pieces. Check them out! The first three are clutch purses, and the last is a simple tote. (I haven't finished adding buttons to 2 of the purses.)


Someone has been left out

I really need to apologize to my first born baby Jackson. He has not made it into my posts recently as much as his little brother. Well, Jackson, those days of uneven offspring posts are over. Blog readers need just as many updates about you as they do your brother!

So, today we visited Horticultural Park. John and I love this park for a few reasons. I have fond memories with friends from this park and both John and I share the bittersweet memories of playing fetch with Rockie there. To add to this, the park is just gorgeous with zillions of trees and beautiful plants. It has taken quite a few visits to this park to convince Jackson that it's a cool place to be. He sees no play equipment and wonders why we are there, and why are we referring to this boring place as a park? Well, today he had a wonderful time at this so-called "park". We took a walk through the woods. This was Jackson's chance to take his family on an adventure of monster fighting. He had magic sticks for us to combat these monsters, as well as secret paths to either sneak up on or avoid these monsters. He had such a good time. I love that his imagination is growing. I've always thought it to be very important to have a large imagination. It's like exercise for the brain. My Jackson is a smart little boy. He's amazing.

12 weeks, 1 day, 11 hours, and 25 minutes

This is how old Archer is as I begin this post. I can't believe he is (or almost is) 3 months old already! (Not sure whether to count weeks or go by dates) Archer is such a sweet baby. He has recently discovered his amazing hands. He has found that they are VERY fun to suck and chew on, and has also used them for batting at toys. Another discovery is conversation. He usually has quite a bit to say, and is extremely excited to tell me his stories. Archer really is growing so fast.


Crafty McCrafterton

Tonight I will go out to my sister-in-law's farm to get her sewing machine. She is letting me borrow it for a month to get some of my projects ready for the craft show I will be at in June. I am pumped!

I am ready to create! My ideas are:

-adding funky fabric to cloth diapers for either diaper or burp cloth use
-adding elbow and knee patches to baby pants and shirts
-large purses/diaper bags