
Up and Up

Things are falling into place very nicely lately. I'm convinced that new babies bring harmony to your life. When Jackson was on the way, good things just kept happening for us. The same is happening now with the new babe. I love it!

Good news ... I am only working 20 hours a week until the end of my pregnancy! My back has been killing me from sitting 8 hours a day, so I've decided to cut back on that. That extra time will be much needed to get this new business going, and also, this is a good transition to being a stay at home mom.

I am starting to get really excited about being home. I will be in charge of my day, instead of someone else. Of course, my kids will definitely have something to do with how the day goes, but ultimately, we will all have the choice to be as productive or un-productive as we want to be.

Other good news ... I attended the first CHOICES meeting. It's a group that meets once a month and has a topic for each meeting. We will have various speakers and professionals available for advice and information on our parenting choices. The topics range from cloth diapering, baby wearing, attachment parenting, breast feeding, vaccines, and toxin free toys. We've got doulas, midwives, chiropractors, naturopathic doctors, and many other professionals lined up to speak at these meetings. This is a first for our area to have all of this information for parents readily available! It's nice to meet other parents that have similar values, and also that have kids! Play dates are going to have to be in order once both of the kids are home. I'm sure we'd all go crazy without them.

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